YMCA Ripon

Ripon YMCA is a local independent charity and housing association. We are a member of YMCA England and Wales, who provide us with information and support

We provide Supported Housing to young people aged between 16 and 35 who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or are vulnerable. We support young people from dependence to independence, supporting them for up to 2 years to develop, learn living skills and engage in education, employment or training opportunities.

In addition to this we are the leading provider of youth work provision in Ripon, currently offering a number of new schemes and projects for 11-18 years. We work with trusted partners (police, local businesses, Community Alcohol Partnership, Local BID etc) to respond to the needs of young people. Ripon YMCA also host the Ripon Youth Work Partnership providing an opportunity for agencies and service to discuss local issues, trends, current provision and to collaborate.

We are on a mission to create a solid baseline of provision for young people which will enable us to develop targeted work and bridge the gap between universal services and specialist housing services for young people. Youth Work is our “prevention” agenda.

We were absolutely thrilled to receive our van generously provided by Jorvik Design Group. It has had such a positive impact on our work here. Delivering our street based youth work has developed rapidly by having the van as we can now get out into the community, support vulnerable young people and take out activities and supportive products with us. It means we can pick up our food donations from local supermarkets and help our tenants move in and onto independent living. It has made us much more visible in the community and really put us on the map. Thank you so much van is fantastic.

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